Body Contouring

A well-shaped and fit body improves not only our looks and radiance, but also our self-confidence, mood and overall perception of ourselves. Hectic everyday life often prevents us from devoting the necessary care and time to it, and we don’t always get the desired results. Technology development and the latest generation of equipment that we use at MG Derm come to the rescue. Alma PrimeX is a globally established platform used for non-invasive procedures in aesthetic dermatology and has proven good results in achieving the perfect silhouette.

What issues does it treat?

Body contouring – shaping the most problematic areas: belly, waist, hips, buttocks, arms and knees

Breakdown of excess adipose tissue and girth reduction

Cellulite removal

Acceleration of metabolism in the subcutaneous tissue

Tightening and improving skin texture

Treating stretch marks

Double chin removal

How it works?

Alma PrimeX combines two innovative technologies that work effectively to improve some of the most common body imperfections:

Ultrasound – produces transverse waves that treat directly the selected area and reduce the size of fat cells. This is achieved by pleasantly warming the tissue and directing the waves to the more stubborn fat deposits. Thanks to the conical shape of the applicator, the heat is distributed evenly without concentration in one hot spot. Ultrasound reaches the tissue in the form of pulses, or short, pulsed stimulations, rather than a continuous wave. This makes it more effective. The applicator also works with a vacuum function for even better contact with the skin.

Radio Frequency – the rotating and massaging tip creates unipolar radio frequency energy that heats the skin evenly in depth. This process stimulates the production of new collagen and elastin, which play a leading role in tightening and smoothing the skin.

The device has several tips for the local treatment of different areas of the body and fat deposits in them, including the option for double chin removal.

Four key benefits of Alma PrimeX for
X-factor results:


Conical shape of the applicator – amplifies the acoustic waves at the expense of ultrasonic waves and thus eliminates the formation of one hot spot.


Ultrasound works by sending pulses rather than continuous waves for a greater effect on the treated areas.


A vacuum technology for continuous connection between the applicator and the skin and uniform delivery of the ultrasound waves.


Intelligent recognition of the characteristics of the treated tissue – enables the adjustment of the ultrasound frequency during the procedure according to the specific needs of the patient.

And more benefits of Alma PrimeX

Short procedures lasting between 20 and 60 minutes

Visible change after the first procedure and achieving the full result within a few weeks

Non-invasive therapy

Pleasant feeling of warming and massage

No prior preparation and recovery period

Applicable throughout the year

Базови процедури

PrimeX Classic

за контуриране на тяло

Оформяне на перфектен силует само с няколко 20-минутни процедури. Ултразвуковите вълни разграждат подкожните мазнини и така спомагат за намаляване на обиколката в избраната от клиента зона.

PrimeX Pro

за контуриране на тяло и стягане на кожа

Комбинация между ултразвуков апликатор и радиочестотни вълни за видима промяна отвътре и отвън - моделиране на тялото чрез намаляване на мастните натрупвания в дълбочина и подобряване еластичността и текстурата на кожата.

PrimeX Premium

за оптимални резултати в оформяне на тялото, борба с целулита и стягане на кожата

В тази комбинация на използваните технологии Alma PrimeX разгръща пълния си потенциал. Ултразвуковите импулси работят за елиминиране на нежеланите мастни натрупвания, а резултатът е изваяна фигура с перфектни форми и извивки, редуцирани целулит и обиколки в желаните зони. Загубата на обема от мастните клетки може да доведе до отпускане и увисване на кожата. За премахване на този ефект спомага радиочестотната енергия, която стимулира производството на колаген и еластин и така стяга кожата. Цялостно процедурата подобрява кръвообращението и видимо контурира тялото.

Посъветвайте се с терапевтите на MG Derm 

За да постигнете най-добри резултати спрямо вашето желание и конкретното състояние на тялото ви, се посъветвайте с терапевтите на MG Derm. Те ще изготвят персонален план с процедури за вас.